Cast Album - coming soon
Full instrumental tracks - coming soon
Study Guide
Marketing Guide
“A tale with a thunderous creature and mystical spells (cast by a fairy) lends itself to percussion, the specialty of the composer Michael Sgouros. This musical “Beauty and the Beast” offers a twist you’ll never find in Disney”. – the New York Times
Song Samples
Material Available
Female Leads:
Beauty (Title role)
Norma (Beauty’s sister)
Louise (Beauty’s sister)
La Fee (The fairy)
Male Leads:
Beast (Title role)
Prince (The Beast’s true self)
Papa (Beauty’s father)
Chance (Beauty’s brother)
Ensemble of varying size and gender to play the Statues in the Beast’s castle
Sgouros and Bell Musicals
There once was a young girl named Beauty who didn’t seem to fit in. Her nose was always stuck in a book and unlike her sisters, she wasn’t looking for Prince Charming to rescue her. What she wanted was adventure and that’s just what she found. To settle her father’s debt, she goes to live in a magical castle with a mysterious beast. What she discovers is her true self, friendship and the meaning of love.
The musical features a score for three percussionist and one cello. This adaptation, based on the original book by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont, also features dream scenes from the original 1740 novella and is filled with endearing and amusing characters, wonder and magic. Guaranteed to thrill and warm the hearts of children ages 3 to 103.